Hi, I am Nikhil K. I am a Electronics Engineer pursuing my Master’s in Robotics at Arizona State University
I enjoy building products, so you can usually find me etching PCB’s and tinkering with circuits and debugging my Embedded C code. I also try to get involved with open source projects that are built using Python and Javascript.
I am a big fan of fantasy and science fiction novels, and you can find a few of the books I have read here. I also enjoy woodworking, sketching and hiking.
Whether you would like to get extra information on any of my work, ask me about this site or just say hello, then I would love to hear back from you.
Email nikhilkalige@gmail.comThis is a static website and the static pages were generated using Pelican - a python based static site generator. The site is currently hosted on Github. I’m using Quattrocento, Quattorcento Sans and Inconsolata fonts served by Google.
The source for the theme can be found at github. Feel free to tinker with it.